About Me

I’m Mia, a passionate, enthusiastic and empathic person who has a deep and ever-growing interest in living with inner-freedom, and cultivating all the necessary things required to do so. 

I’m a qualified ADHD Coach, Life Transformation Coach and Personal Trainer, a lover of bread, hater of burpees, and have an immense love for nature, freedom and movement. But rather than a boring career description and else, here’s a bit, actually, about me.

At 14, I started training in the gym, as a ‘way out’. Powerlifting, calorie obsession, ab obsession, intuitive eating, chasing the big butt, borderline eating disorder, intense marathon training, numerous injuries, rock climbing, sprinting, nearly-professional footballer, ultramarathons, you name it. I’ve deadlifted 125KG, ran for 25 hours straight in bulbous mountains (and almost gave myself kidney failure), insert other frivolous achievements - all which has lead me to my coaching style:

The complete opposite of the above; a gentle, sustainable, psychologically friendly and individualised approach free of extremes, obsession and self-violence.

Most of my life has been spent in a disarray of anxiety, overwhelm, low-self-esteem, fleeting sadness and a constant sense of never quite doing enough, being enough, or coping well enough. I had a pretty turbulent childhood, combined with undiagnosed ADHD, that led to a lot of unhealthy coping strategies, inner-self violence, addictions, compulsions, failures, loss, you name it.

Growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, and a lot of seemingly never ending traumatic events, I became very close with shame. I hid myself from myself for a very long time, and had an impossible time, ever, allowing myself to feel anything other than ‘happy’. Which failed quite frequently. Confession: I don’t feel happy all the time. I am a human. But, through a lot of deep, sometimes excruciating, sometimes deeply enlightening, inner work - I have and am still finding more and more room for contentment with how I am, in all my ways. 

I know what it feels like to be hopeless, to consider life no longer worth living, to constantly question and seek for ‘what is wrong with me?’, ‘why can’t I?’. I know how dark, overwhelming and troublesome it can get, when you live with a lot of doors bolted shut, running from yourself, living in deep shame and hoping nobody will ever notice. I have been there. I know the bleakness of them walls.

I am a realist, and I don’t buy into the American-dream style marketing of ‘coaching’. We as humans, especially those with heightened sensitivity, like ADHD, experience the full-spectrum of things. Ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, experiences. And that’s okay. It is to be embraced, accepted, allowed, made space for. Even the part of you that hates it.

I don’t sell ‘eternal happiness’ coaching. Nor do I believe in it. Coaching isn’t necessarily about eliminating all the ‘parts’ of ourselves that we dislike, but learning how to work with ourselves, change where we can, surrender where we can’t, and accept the necessity of both. 

I have invested a stomach-punching, insane amount of money in ‘self-development’. I have done 4+ years of Personal Life coaching, business mentorship, 5 years of meditation coaching and practicing, years of rather intensive therapy that was excruciating but the best thing I ever did and a never-ending load of introspection, reading, understanding, practicing and living. 

I have been on a long journey, that is forever growing, learning about myself, understanding my ways and mostly - learning to accept myself; all my challenges, anxieties, difficulties and shortfalls.

I don’t claim to be a coach that has figured it all out. I don’t buy into the ideal of perfection, but I do fully believe in, and experience, the growth and freedom that comes from owning your challenges, having the courage to share them and all the incredible solutions that present themselves when we get out of our own way.

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